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Chinese translation for "acceptance at complaint only"


Related Translations:
hearing and deciding complaints:  听讯审讯审理
acceptance rate:  飞机容许进场率接受率录取率票据贴现率认赚率(居者有其计划)验收比率
tacit acceptance:  默示的承诺
acceptance control:  验收控制
general acceptance:  单张承兑普遍接受普通承兑普通认付一般承兑
special acceptance:  特别承兑
acceptance testing:  接收测试接受测试可接受性测试 一般由用户/客户进行的确认是否可以接受一个产品的验证性测试。验收测试验收试验
against acceptance:  承兑交单
acceptance lot:  合格质量验收批量
acceptance pattern:  接受图
Example Sentences:
1.Compared with other crimes accepted at complain only in the criminal law , the provision of the crime in the acceptance of complaint only has its distinctive features . however , there exists a big drawback that all the conversion crimes are regulated at the acceptance at complaint only
2.From the provisions of the object , objective requisites and acceptance at complaint only of the conversion crime , this paper analyses and studies some controversial issues . part i , the object of the conversion crime . according to the provision in the criminal law , the object of the conversion crime is another ' s stored property , another ' s forgotten property and another ' s hidden property
3.The key to improve the complaint system focuses on the scientific classification on the types of the conversion crime in article 270 of the criminal law and the proper restriction on the scope of the people who have the right to institute public prosecution . the author thinks that the crime of conversion of authorized property may be prescribed at the acceptance at complaint only , but the people who have the right to sue must be limited to the family members and relatives whose property is converted
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